Online User Guide‎‎‎

 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform
 Desktop GPS Tracking Platform Mobile App GPS Tracking Platform


Main Screen

BlackOwl GPS Desktop Tracking Platform Main Screen

Tools Menu

BlackOwl GPS App Tools Menu

Setup Menu

BlackOwl GPS App Setup Menu

My Account Menu

BlackOwl GPS Desktop My Account Menu

Map Utilities

BlackOwl GPS Map Utilities Desktop

MENUS & INTERFACE (Mobile app)

Main Screen

BlackOwl GPS App Main Screen 

Main Menu

BlackOwl GPS App Main Menu

All events & alerts will be displayed in the top right menu

BlackOwl GPS App Events Menu

Map Utilities

BlackOwl GPS App Map Utilities 1 BlackOwl GPS App Map Utilities 2

    Geofences (Desktop)

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Geofencing
      Main Menu Tools Geofencing

    • In the left tab, click the button to create a new Geofence
      Geofencing Blue Button

    • Draw your Geofence with your mouse by clicking your desired points on the map. Close your geofence by joining the first and last points. Give it a name, choose its colour and click Save.
      Geofencing Options

    Then, to setup Geofence Alerts complete the following steps:

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Alerts
      Main Menu Geofence Alerts

    • In the left tab, click the button to create a new Alert
      Geofencing Blue Button

    • Name your Alert and select which vehicles it will be triggered by.
      Geofence Alerts Step 1

    • Select your preferred Geofence Alert type from the dropdown box. For Geofence In/Out, you will receive Alerts whenever vehicles enter or exit the area. Remember, multiple geofences can be selected at this step.

    • You can further customise alerts with the Schedule feature.
      Geofence Scheduling

    • Select your Notification preferences and click Save.

    Geofences (Mobile App)

    • In the Main Menu (top left corner), go to Tools > Geofencing
      BlackOwl GPS Android Geofences Menu

    • Tap Add geofence at the bottom of the screen
      BlackOwl GPS Android App Blank Geofence Screen

    • Give your geofence a name and select an optional colour (HEX code), then tap DRAW POLYGON. Pinch to zoom in on the map and tap the screen to create your geofence. Remember to close your geofence by joining the first and last points on the map. Tap SET DATA.
      BlackOwl GPS Android App Geofence Menu 1 BlackOwl GPS Android App Geofence Map

    • Your Geofence is now active and can be toggled or deleted using this screen. Note: Geofences can only be edited via the Web Platform.
      BlackOwl GPS Android App Geofence Successful
    • To setup Geofence Alerts go to Tools > Alerts
    • Tap Add alert. Name your Alert and select which vehicles it will be triggered by.
    • Select your preferred Geofence Alert type. For Geofence In/Out, you will receive Alerts whenever vehicles enter or exit the area.
    • You can further customise alerts with the Schedule feature.
    • Click Save.

    Alerts (Desktop)

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Alerts
      Main Menu Geofence Alerts

    • In the left tab, click the button to create a new Alert
      Geofencing Blue Button

    • Name your Alert and select which vehicles it will be triggered by.
      Geofence Alerts Step 1

    • In the Type tab, select your preferred Alert from the drop down menu. Additional alert options for your GPS hardware can be found under Custom events (e.g. Removal alerts for Portable hardware)
      *note: some alert types may be unavailable for your hardware
      Alert Drop Down Menu

    • You can further customise alerts with the Alert Schedule feature.
      Geofence Scheduling
    • Select your Notification preferences and click Save.

    Alerts (Mobile App)

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Alerts and click Add alert
      BlackOwl GPS App Alerts

    • Tap Add alert. Name your Alert and select which vehicles it will be triggered by
      BlackOwl GPS App Alert 2
    • In the Type tab, select your preferred Alert from the drop down menu. Additional alert options for your GPS hardware can be found under Custom events (e.g. Removal alerts for Portable hardware)
      *note: some alert types may be unavailable for your hardware

    • Select your Alert Schedule. If no schedule is enabled then alerts will be sent at all times.

    • Select your Notification preferences and click Save.


    • Click the History tab on the left side of the screen. Select which vehicle you want to display tracking history for, and choose your preferred dates within a 30 day period.

      Advanced features are also available including customised stops and a Snap to Road feature.
      BlackOwl Desktop GPS History Search

    • Click Show History to display tracking data on the map
      BlackOwl GPS Desktop History Overview


    • Go to the Main Menu > History
      BlackOwl App Main Menu

    • Select which vehicle you want to display tracking history for, and choose your preferred dates within a 30 day period.
      BlackOwl App History Screen 1

    • History data can be shown in 4 different ways
      - Data Log
      - Statistics Graph
      - Map
      - Route

    • Data Log displays timestamps and other raw data from your tracker.
      BlackOwl GPS History 2

    • Statistics Graph gives a summary of vehicle speed, distance travelled and other sensors such as Ignition and Virtual Odometer (if enabled)
      BlackOwl GPS App History 3

    • Map displays all tracking data from your selected period on the map.
      BlackOwl GPS App History 4

    • Route summarises all driving, stops and Events
      BlackOwl GPS App History 5

    REPORTS (Desktop)

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Reports
      Reports Menu Desktop
    • Select your report preferences on the following screen and click Generate for an instant report, or Save your preferences for scheduled, automatically generated reportsBlackOwl GPS Reports Menu 2
    • Scheduled report logs can be found in the third tab and can be downloaded or deleted at anytime.

    REPORTS (Mobile App)

    • In the Main Menu, go to Tools > Reports
      BlackOwl GPS App Report Main Menu
    • Click Create a new report and select your report preferences. Add an optional schedule for automatically generated reports and click Save the report
      BlackOwl GPS App Report Screen 2

      BlackOwl GPS App Report Screen Main


    • Firstly, we must add a virtual odometer sensor.
      Go to the left tab, click the 3 dots next to your tracker's ID/name and click Edit
      Edit Button Desktop

    • Go to Sensors > Add Sensor
      Edit Add Sensor

    • Follow the steps in the image below to add your virtual odometer sensor and click Save. In this example, we have named our sensor 'Odometer (GPS)' and have entered a current odometer reading of 10000km. The virtual odometer reading can be adjusted at anytime in the Sensors tab.
      Add Sensor Desktop

    • After refreshing your browser, your tracker's virtual odometer should now appear in the Sensors tab at the bottom of your screen
      Sensor Odometer Desktop

    • Next, click the Add Service button in the Services tab (next to Sensors)
      Add Service Desktop

    • Select your service preferences and click Save.
      In this example, we have created a reminder with the following preferences:
      - 20,000km service reminder
      - service intervals every 10,000km
      - reminder at 1000km before service is due
      20000km Service Desktop



    GROUPS (Desktop)


    GROUPS (Mobile App)




    CUSTOMISATION (Mobile App)